Protect Your Project: The Power of Hiring a Professional, Licensed & Insured Contractor

Who you choose to oversee and execute your next home construction, renovation or remediation project can make or break its success, so don’t leave it to fate — leave it in the hands of a licensed and insured contractor.

At Stealth Construction, we have decades of experience in general construction and remediation, but — as homeowners ourselves — we know the process of finding a truly expert contractor can be intimidating. And, with the success of your project (and even the safety of your family!) hanging in the balance, it’s not a task you should take lightly.

So, we’ve compiled an overview of what to look for in the search for an excellent construction partner and how to ensure they’re the right fit for you!

Working with a Licensed Contractor: Why Should I Care?

Being “licensed” means a contractor has obtained a license from their working state — in our case, the great state of Indiana — to oversee and coordinate construction projects. Licensed contractors have passed a series of exams, met the state’s requirements and regulations, and have the necessary skills, knowledge, and experience to execute best practices, methods and materials and get jobs done right.

When you choose a licensed contractor, you should expect:

  1. Quality work: Licensed contractors have undergone training and testing to prove their knowledge and skills, meaning you can expect them to use industry best practices and deliver high quality work.

  2. Compliance with building codes: A licensed contractor should be up-to-date and required to comply with building codes and regulations, meaning the work they do is safe, legal, and up to code.

  3. Legal protection: Working with a licensed contractor gives you, as a homeowner, legal protection. If a contractor doesn’t fulfill their obligations, you have the right to file a complaint with the state licensing board.

Insurance, Background & Other Considerations

An insured contractor also carries liability insurance — meaning the homeowner is protected in case the contractor causes damage to the property — and workers’ compensation insurance, providing coverage for any injuries or accidents that occur on the job site. Accidents happen, but working with an insured contractor will ensure you’re protected should something go awry.

Many general contractors also have higher education degrees in construction management, which empowers a more holistic view of renovation and remediation operations. A good general contractor should be hands-on and on-site. An experienced contractor should also be well-versed on current on-market materials; they should know their manufacturers and be able to fully educate you on your options.

At the end of the day, your contractor should serve as a reliable, experienced partner with “insider access” to the latest in their industry. Home construction simply isn’t a task you want to leave for yourself, or even a knowledgeable friend!

Finding a Reliable General Contractor

Finding a licensed and insured contractor can be daunting, but it doesn’t have to be! Here’s our team’s top tips for finding a reliable professional:

  1. Verify their license: Check the contractor’s license by visiting the Indiana Professional Licensing Agency website. This will confirm whether the contractor in question has a valid license.

  2. Request proof of insurance: Ask the contractor to provide proof of both liability and workers’ compensation insurance. This is key to ensuring you stay protected!

  3. Check references: Ask the contractor for references from past clients, and follow up with those references to get a better sense of the contractor’s work and professionalism.

  4. Obtain multiple quotes: Get multiple quotes from different contractors to compare pricing and services. This will allow you to make an informed decision for your next project based on your unique budget and needs.

  5. Be ready with pictures and inspiration before you meet: Take some time to collect photos, videos and/or other visuals that can help bring your vision for the project to life. This will help you get a better sense of whether the contractor in question has the experience needed with the type or scope of work you have in mind.

Finding a licensed contractor is key to the health of any project, but working with a passionate, professional licensed construction partner can take your next project from “good” to “great”! At Stealth Construction, our team of experts are ready to support you throughout any and all elements of the home renovation process - from finalizing on-trend designs to sourcing the highest quality materials and ensuring your home is up-to-code.

Ready to talk shop? Get started with us today!


Renovate with No Regrets: Stealth’s 5 Steps to Success